In November 2020, Marc released an album of songs inspired by the 2020 lockdowns titled "drinkin in the apocalypse" which is available as a digital release on Bandcamp.

J. Marc Harding

drinkin in the apocalypse (2020)

"drinkin in the apocalypse" was recorded between April and October in 2020 and released on November 12, 2020. Marc wrote, performed and recorded the songs in his home near Richmond, Virginia. The album contains 14 songs minutes about, you guessed it, drinking in the apocalypse.

drinking in the apocalypse | Marc Harding (

"drinkin in the apocalypse" Song sequence: 

1. 'pocalypse party

2. drinking in the apocalypse

3. get your mask on (we've got to get beer)

4. drinking away the virus today

5. let's kick next year's ass (before it does it again)

6. laugh at it all

7. (quarantined in) Virginia

8. only drinking thru the lockdown

9. the summer of bad news

10. i hope the summer comes and takes it all away

11. i think i got it (or maybe i got too stoned)

12. i dreamed that you'd never take off your mask

13. i'm not inspired by it

14. mourning weathing